Sex Addicts Anonymous of the Greater Madison Area


Save the date. The spring seminar is on Saturday April 26th.

See the Members Section to learn about a meditation meeting open to all 12 step fellows.

There is now a meeting schedule in PDF format that can easily be downloaded and printed. Look under ‘Find a Meeting’.


SAA of the Greater Madison Area is a fellowship of sex addicts who find ourselves in all stages of recovery. The only requirement for joining this fellowship is a sincere desire to stop your addictive sexual behavior. If you are interested in achieving relief from your addiction, whatever form it may take, this site provides information and resources that will support you in your recovery.
Sex addiction is one of the most difficult obsessive behaviors to overcome, but many addicts in our fellowship have been able to achieve long periods of sobriety by following our simple program.
SAA is grounded in the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous, adapted specifically to address our shared addiction. It is through these fundamental principles that we have been able to embark upon the path toward recovery, and the inherent hope it provides us, one day at a time.

All Madison area SAA meetings welcome people of all genders, identities, and orientations.

What is sex addiction?


Sex addiction is a disease affecting the mind, body, and spirit. It is progressive, with the behavior and its consequences usually becoming more severe over time. We experience it as compulsion, which is an urge that is stronger than our will to resist, and as obsession, which is a mental preoccupation with sexual behavior and fantasies.

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Am I a sex addict?

Although addicts may act out sexually in many different ways, some common elements seem to characterize our addiction:

  • Do you feel powerless over your addictive sexual behavior?

  • Does your life feel unmanageable?

  • Do you have feelings of shame, pain, and self-loathing?

  • Have you failed at promises and attempts to stop acting out?

  • Has there been a progressive worsening of negative consequences?

What is recovery?


Sex Addicts Anonymous offers a spiritual solution to the disease of sex addiction. Every aspect of our program is founded on the experience of a Power greater than ourselves helping us live healthy and productive lives, free of addictive sexual behavior.

What can I expect at a meeting?

You're looking for help, but you’re afraid there isn't anyone out there who could possibly do what you've done, much less understand and accept you for who you are. Take a breath, and know that your first SAA meeting will be an experience of acceptance and understanding.