What is recovery?
Sex Addicts Anonymous offers a spiritual solution to the disease of sex addiction. Every aspect of our program is founded on the experience of a Power greater than ourselves helping us live healthy and productive lives, free of addictive sexual behavior.
Recovery was possible for most of us only when we accepted the fact that, by ourselves, we were powerless over our addictive sexual behavior and that we were incapable of changing through will power alone. Many of us came to this realization when we started attending SAA meetings. In that setting, we heard stories similar to ours and realized that we needed to walk the path with fellow travelers who are on the same journey. We learned through the SAA Fellowship that we were not hopelessly defective.
Through applying the Twelve Steps conscientiously in our lives, we received the capacity to refrain from obsessive mental preoccupation with sex and from compulsive sexual behavior. As we exercised courage and grew in faith, we began to realize our daily problems were stepping stones to spiritual growth. As we continued working the Twelve Step Program, we experienced the return of personal integrity and found a new sense of purpose in our lives. We discovered the joy of freedom from addiction.
- Adapted from A Pathway to Recovery and Sex Addicts Anonymous, p. 62